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Archives Closed Schools K-M: Longfellow School

Other Name: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Elementary, Duker Avenue School, Edward W. Wolff  School; Longfellow Alternative High School

Last Address: 1925 Duker Avenue

Year Opened: 1910

Year Closed: 1975

The school was originally named for Wolff when it opened in 1908 and renamed for the poet Longfellow in 1910.  The school was sometimes referred to as the Duker Avenue school for its location.  It was succeeded for a short time by the Longfellow Alternative High School, until the latter's closing in 1977.  The dePaul Foundation, a Catholic organization, purchased the building in 1979 and the dePaul School, an alternative Catholic school, is operated there now.

Longfellow School Images

Longfellow School, no date

Longfellow School, 1911

Longfellow School Library, 1962


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