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Stopher Elementary Library: Circulation

Sharks Circulation

Stopher Sharks Read!

Student checkout opportunities include:

  • during library class (once every 6 days)
  • daily open checkout from 9:15 - 10 a.m. or from 3 - 3:30 p.m.


Policies and Procedures

Stopher Elementary Library Media Center provides opportunities for students to checkout materials on a regular basis.  Students must adhere to the following policies and procedures in order to maintain checkout privileges.

  • Kindergarten students participate in Book Bags until winter break and can check out one book at a time. Following winter break, they may checkout two books at a time.
  • 1st - 5th grade students may generally checkout two print items (books, magazines, or reference materials) at a time.
  • 3rd - 5th grade students may checkout audiobooks .
  • 4th and 5th grade students may check out Nooks (separate permission form required & given during library class period)
  • All items are due two weeks after checkout. Books may be returned in the "Library Limos" delivered to classrooms on library day or in the book drop at the circulation desk during open checkout.  Students may renew books by bringing them to the library. 
  •  Students are required to pay for lost or damaged books.
  •  Overdue notices will be sent home twice a month to keep parents informed about late/missing books.
  •  Parents/guardians who have questions or concerns regarding the circulation policies and procedures should contact the media specialist prior to August 24th.


Please contact the Library Media Specialist with questions: Jennifer Owen at 485-8281 or


Kindergarten Book Bags

Kindergarten students benefit greatly from reading with an adult on a daily basis. Reading with young children each evening allows time to reinforce basic reading skills and strategies, as well as fosters a love of reading in the child.

Kindergarten students can bring home a book appropriate for an emergent reader each evening by returning his/her book and bag to the classroom teacher each morning. The bags will be sent to the library media center and a new emergent level book will be checked out to the child, placed in the Book Bag and sent home. Each day that a student returns his/her book and bag to school, a new emergent level book will be sent home. On days that students have library for special area, they will be choosing their own books to checkout. The book bag program runs from August - December. After that, K students will self-select two books at a time during library class or open checkout.





Meet Ms. Judy

Students will know Ms. Judy Adamson from the library and the lunchroom.  Ms. Judy is a valuable resource for our students in the library as she facilitates open checkout times, keeps circulation running smoothly, assists students with locating items on the shelves, maintains iPads, and provides students with AR support



Stopher Elementary School
14417 Aiken Rd., Louisville, KY 40245