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Barret Annual Reports: 2019-2020

Annual Library Report 2018 -2019

The data was collected from August 2019-March 13 2020.

Special note: See the NTI Learning box for Library information during Covid -19

Librarian: Hope Cooke

Highlights / Overview


*The year started out with an inventory of the library on September 30, 2019. The information gathered was used to cross check the collection and identify any lost items.


*From September until March 2019, I weeded/discarded nonfiction material that was outdated or worn out. I focused on the 500 section. I purchased new Non Fiction titles to fill in the gaps for the 300,500, 600, and 900’s.


*We had two book fairs. The first was a Scholastic book fair. It was on November 8- 22, 2019. The second book fair was the Barnes Noble book fair on March 6 through March 8, 2020.


*Collaboration with teachers has been an integral part of scheduling and lessons. I have collaborated a lot with Mrs. Jacoby and her eighth grade science classes. Mrs. Ecken (7th grade science) also collaborates. We have used the lab portion of the library to teach research skills for creating Twitter famous scientist profiles, web quest for ecosystems, sound waves, kinetic energy, coding, food chain graphics, etc. Both 7th grade social studies teachers, Mrs. Wimsatt and Mrs. Blackman, collaborate with the library for current events, news and blogging. Mrs. Vessels and I collaborate often with the language arts class; for example: the students did a story quilt for their historical fiction genre. This is just one example of a language arts collaboration. We also collaborated lessons on plagiarism and citations.


* I started a new collaboration project called “Book Bento’s” with Mr. Scherer. Also, I created a blackout poetry lesson for all the Language Arts teachers.


*I created an Instagram account for the Barret Library. The post are related to new books, lessons and literacy themes.


*Bonnie and Jim Thompson donated $300.00 to the library in the name the Theta Chapter ADK.


*I participate in a district PLC for a group of middle school librarians. We collaborate for teaching ideas, creating lessons and sharing resources.


*For this school year, the PTSA donated $1000.00 and I used a $1000.00 of library budget funds to buy more Multicultural/ Diversity books.


* The school used textbook money to purchase new class sets of The Outsiders, Snow Treasures and Walk Two Moons.


Money is budgeted for supplies, A.V. equipment, magazines, and books.  The library purchases twenty magazines. These are used for teaching supplements and student leisure reading. Books are purchased through Perma Bound and Jr. Library Guild. Jr. Library Guild books are highly reviewed and curriculum related.  They include a History, Science and Social Studies book.  The rest of the books fit into a genre category such as “mystery, fantasy, etc.”  It is a set of sixteen books that come monthly to the school. Perma Bound books have library binding, which handles the high use.



300- Social Science

Increased by 38 books

500- Natural Science & Math

Increased by 43 books

600-Technology (Applied Science)

Increased by 18 books

900- Geography & History

Increased by 267 books


Increased by 189 books 


Increased by 16 books


Circulation Activity Report

Start date: 2019-08-13    End Date: 2020-03-13      Subtotal by: Monthly

Date      Checkout             Checkin Renew  Hold       Lost        Found

2019-08                908         112         2              0              0              0

2019-09                989         979         185         0              0              0

2019-10                1272       1215       367         0              0              0

2019-11                643         790         236         0              0              0

2019-12                670         704         57           0              0              0

2020-01                925         743         50           0              0              0

2020-02                861         877         149         0              0              0

2020-03                732         674        18           0              0              0

Grand Totals       7000       6094      1064        0               0              0

NTI Learning : during Covid -19

During NTI / Covid -19: I created a library Google classroom and invited the staff. I held Google meets with students and teachers who had any questions. I recorded novels for the ELA and Literature teachers to share with the students. I created Q& A's for the novel too.I provided data base information and passwords. For my Barret library website, I created the following : a new digital learning tab  and an instructional videos tab. This tab shows videos on how to use data bases / websites from the library resources tab.  I attended two Gale Webinars for "Gale Educator program". Finally I reached out to students, families and staff with the library Instagram  page, emails and Google meets.

*  Due to the closing of schools, the library has possibly lost 909 books. They were checked out and not returned as of yet. The dollar amount is valued at $13,228.38.

* During Covid-19 my library website had  3570 visitors in the month of April and 1809 in the month of May.

Library Web Stats



1709  site visits


6973  site visits


7229  site visits


4452  site visits


4054    site visits


5667 site visits


5519  site visits


3485 site visits


39,088 site visits


At the Barret Library: we have a 32 computer lab and 10 nooks. Technology is used for CITTS, MAP Testing, web quests, student research, citation & copyright laws, Microsoft Office, KYVL, Google Classroom, Gale Online research, and E-Perma hub online books data base.

Number of classes scheduled


August / September 2019

 76 classes

October 2019

 79 classes

November  2019

 65 classes

December 2019

 71 classes

January  2020

 63 classes

February  2020

 78 classes

March  2020

 84 classes


Barret Traditional Middle School
2561 Grinstead Dr., Louisville, KY 40206