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Hawthorne Elementary Library - Biblioteca Primaria de Hawthorne: Globally & Culturally Competent Learners

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Globally & Culturally Competent Learner Tools

In light of the change in our school's mission "“Every Hawthorne student will develop into a globally & culturally competent learner”, the goal of this page is to foster the development of a broader perspective on who we are as people, humans who coexist on a planet.

By providing you with a range of resources, fiction, informational, etc, we hope you & your family will engage with what you learn, to wonder, ponder, question, discuss, and sometimes go past your comfort level so that you develop the empathy and understanding that though someone may look, sound, feel different from you, there are a lot more similarities between us than differences!

Dr. H June 2, 2020.

A Mighty Girl

A Might Girl website

A Mighty Girl promotes the development of strong girls by providing book titles and reviews whose main character is a girl.  You can search by topic, genre, and age level.  Though the main audience is girls, these titles are appropriate for all, including boys!


Online Resources irt Diversity & Discussions

Hawks Counselor's Corner

Multicultural Stories & Author/Illustrator Websites


Hawthorne Elementary School
2301 Clarendon Ave., Louisville, KY 40205