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Goldsmith Elementary Library: More Coding Games

Coding Expectations

For all of the following websites, DO NOT create your own account. You also CANNOT download any games. You are only able to play games that don't require a login or a download (other than Minecraft for Education).

Click on "NEW PROJECT" on the top right corner to play coding activities on Do not create and account or attempt to sign in.


Click on the game controller on the top left side marked "PLAY" and then "CODING GAMES". Choose a path appropriate for your age.


Code Monster

Minecraft Hour of Code

Explore coding through MINECRAFT. Choose to play games on this website, OR login to Minecraft on your Chromebook. Go to "HOUR OF CODE" once you log in.


Click on "Play without saving" 

Code Combat

Click on "I'm a student" and "No, I don't have one, but want to play CodeCombat!"

Choose a game or activity. Do not choose a program that asks you to log in or sign up. Some of these activities may be lessons or lesson plans meant for teachers.


Click on "Start Creating" to explore coding.



Goldsmith Elementary School
3520 Goldsmith Lane, Louisville, KY 40220