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Wheeler Library: Welcome

Welcome to the Wheeler Library... where interests and inquiry lead the way!

Library Online Catalog

Click the picture to search in our library catalog for a book you'd like to borrow!


Welcome to Clever! Students can use a single sign-on to access school resources and reading apps.

Backpack of Success Skills

Click here to log-in to your backpack!

Special Events & Programs

Play games with our recent vocabulary!

Off to a great start!

The first person on the road with 2!

Would YOU let the Spooky Grad decide what YOU check out?

A fun seasonal display made by our Student Library Co-Op Leaders!

Featured Student Work

Hour of Code

How would YOU trap a turkey?

Just a few of our awesome Book Character Pumpkin Challenge entries!

Using ChatterKids to make the books remind us about how they like to be treated.

Reading the pictures is one way to read, and it's more fun in a "fort!"

Using exploration as a research method to design a reading nook.

Using exploration to design a reading garden.

Question of the Month

What is your reading goal this year?

Library Media Specialist

Profile Photo
Carrie Brown
5700 Cynthia Dr.
Louisville, KY 40291

Follow us @MizzBLibrary


Wheeler Elementary School
5700 Cynthia Dr., Louisville, KY 40291