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Coding: Elementary 2022

Hour of Code Banner

CodeMonkey Jr. Prereader

Join a monkey on a mission to collect bananas and unlock treasure chests.

Minecraft Adventurer

Minecraft Adventurer Game

You will be programming Alex or Steve to move through a Minecraft World using Blockly. You will be learning about commands, repeat loops and if statements. 

Minecraft Designer

You will make your own Minecraft game. It looks like a Minecraft game but the world has stopped moving including the sheep, chickens, and zombies. It's up to you to make the code to get them moving again. 

SciGirls Code Quest

In this online coding adventure, youth take Subby the submarine through underwater challenges, using code to find various items and collect scientific data on the ocean floor.

Hour of Code Introduction

The Grinch: Saving Christmas with Code

Learn to program drones and a high tech sleigh with coding magic to capture presents and navigate down the mountain to return Christmas to Whoville.

Dance Party

This year has new songs by iconic artists for you to choreograph an unforgettable dance party!

Hello World

Learn the basics of computer science by programming in Sprite Lab. You will create and animate sprites, and make your own interactive scenes.

AI for Oceans

Garbage dumped in the water affects marine life. In this activity you will program or train A.I. (artificial intelligence) to identify fish or trash. Let's clean up the ocean!

Building a Galaxy with Code 1 hr.

Today you'll be working with Ray to program BB-8 to walk to collect all of the scrap parts. 

Code your own sports game

Choose between making a basketball game or mix and match across sports!

Coding Books Through KYVL