One Lucky Girl by George Ella Lyon; Irene Trivas (Illustrator); Dorling Kindersley Publishing StaffCall Number: E Lyo
ISBN: 0789426137
Publication Date: 2000-02-15
No matter how bright the sun, how high the ball, Nick is there to catch it. Hawkeye, his dad calls him. Then one summer Sunday in the year 1961, the sky at the racetrack trailer park where the family lives isn't so bright--"looks funny," Nick says to his parents, and the air grows very quiet until... "Tornado!" somebody yells. The roaring air sounds like "a stampede of horses," and the trailer where Nick's baby sister, Becky, has been napping, is suddenly no longer there. it takes a "hawkeye" to see beyond the ruins left behind, to find "one lucky girl" whom the swirling wind has picked up in her crib and sent flying--to blissful safety. The vigorous pastel and watercolor paintings catch every change of family mood and weather--and the tornado sky is unforgettable, as anyone who's seen such a storm coming will attest.