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Kammerer Library: Find A Book

New Books


Tell NoveList a book you love, and it will give you other suggestions.

You can even tell it WHY you like a book for a better match.

Louisville Free Public Library

If KMS doesn't have it, I bet I know who does!  Check out the Louisville Free Public Library.  They have great summer programs.  They offer classes on forensics like CSI, video editing, and maker space projects.  Plus they will even send the book you want to your local library.  Now that is service!  See us first, then check out LFPL.  

Good reads

Great books, news on upcoming titles, author news, and reviews.  Cool stuff for teen readers.


What is in the KMS library?  Click here to visit the OPAC.


Kammerer Middle School
7315 Wesboro Rd., Louisville, KY 40222