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Boys and Girls Haven Library: High School Student Resources

Library Online Catalog

Click here to search in our library catalog for a book you want to read or a topic you want to research!


Search all of the KYVL databases or choose a high school source to find information for your topic. 


Visit your local branch and use your library card to check out a book that we don't have or check out an e-book that can be delivered right to your device!

Citation Makers

EasyBib: the bibliography maker.

Study Island

Learn math, reading, writing, science and social studies through the interactive features and games found here!

IXL Math and Language Arts

Immersive, adaptive learning with personalized skill recommendations.


​Gale databases curated for our school to meet any of your research needs! Dive into science, social studies, history, literature and more to find authoritative reference content alongside magazine and journal articles, primary sources, videos, audio podcasts and images! These databases are continuously updated to provide current information.

Britannica High School

Use this search box to find encyclopedia information on your topic.


Search here to you want  to find your next read.

You can find a book similar to what you are reading

or browse by genre or age group.


You will work independently to develop critical reading and language skills through individualized, motivating learning paths.

Khan Academy

Learn from a large assortment of subjects and topics through practice exercises, instructional videos and a personalized learning dashboard where you can study at your pace!

College Admission Test Prep- Learning Express

Create a free account or login, if you are a previous user. Use your JCPS email to register. Write down your password and keep it somewhere safe. 

Explora High School

Use this database to find full text articles on your topic. 


Engaging learning games, animated movies, and activities. 


This online math program adapts to your actions to meet you at the right level with personalized instruction. 


Boys and Girls Haven
2301 Goldsmith Lane, Louisville, KY 40242