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Shelby Academy Library: Student Resources


Leveled informational articles on science and social studies topics with read along audio provided by professional voice over artists



Visit your local branch and use your library card to check out a book that we don't have or check out an e-book that can be delivered right to your device!


​Use this database to find full text articles on your topic.


​Gale databases curated for our school! InfoBits covers a broad range of topics and includes images, articles from encyclopedias, magazines, and the news.  National Geographic Kids includes topics on science, nature and space with videos and articles. 

Interland by Google

©2018 Google LLC, used with permission. Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.

An online adventure that puts the key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice with four challenging games. 


Dr. Seuss Website


Search all of the KYVL databases or choose an elementary source to find information for your topic. 

Elementary Dictionary



Shelby Traditional Academy
735 Ziegler Street, Louisville, KY 40217