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Frost Annual Report: 2019 - 2020

Annual Report for RF6A.

Library in Review




FROST MIDDLE - Catalog Average Age Report

Total catalog records reported on: 5316

Catalog records with a year in publication year field: 5020

Average age of collection in catalog module or find set: 7.6 years



 Currently Scholars access the LibGuide very little.  This is mostly due to the fact that I have been teaching using a Library Google Classroom, which is where the links and other resources that Scholars use are posted.  I'm looking to change that next year by moving those things over to the LibGuide instead.  Scholars can access the LibGuide without having to be logged in, which is not true for my Google Classroom.  I also have to set up separate Google Classrooms for each team because there is a cap at how many students can join each one.  While I still will incorporate use of Google Classroom, the LibGuide will be at the center of all instruction for the Library. Since we received the VILS grant, each scholar will be provided their own iPad for use at school AND AT HOME for next year.  I am very excited to see how this ease of access will increase all of my statistics.



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Sarah O'Hair
Library Media Service
CB Young Service Center
3001 Crittenden Dr.
Louisville, KY 40209

Frost Sixth-Sixth Grade Academy
4601 Valley Station Rd., Louisville, KY 40272