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Cane Run Elementary School Library: Student Resources


Leveled informational articles on science and social studies topics with read along audio provided by professional voice over artists

Unite for Literacy

Choose from a wide variety of picture books to read right on your device or you can have the books read to you!

Storyline Online

Watch videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. You just might recognize the person reading! 

International Digital Children's Library


The mission of ICDL Foundation is to support children in learning about diverse cultures by making culturally diverse children's literature available online.


Gale databases curated for our school! Gale in Context covers a broad range of topics and includes images, articles from encyclopedias, magazines, and the news.  National Geographic Kids includes topics on science, nature and space with videos and articles


EBSCO eBooks K-8 Collection


This collection, accessible in school and remotely, contains thousands of fiction and nonfiction e-book titles including familiar children’s stories and informative texts. Simultaneous access that allows multiple students to be reading the same book at the same time in a mobile-ready format! 

Encyclopedia Britannica

Cite Your Sources



KET PBS Learning Media

Provdes access to thousands of standards-aligned digital resources with videos, images, interactives, lesson plans and articles. 

Interland by Google

©2018 Google LLC, used with permission. Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.

An online adventure that puts the key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice with four challenging games. 

Typetastic: Typing Practice

Become friends with your keyboard by practicing your typing.


LibraryWorld Online Catalog

Click here to search in our library catalog for a book you want to read or a topic you want to research! 

Shelver- Dewey Decimal Game

Fact Monster



Cane Run Elementary School
3951 Cane Run Rd., Louisville, KY 40211