If you have any suggestions for a new list or titles you would like to be added to a list, please email Mrs. Ryan. She will be happy to create new lists or add titles for you.
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Gale In Context: For Educators gives middle and high school educators lesson planning tools to curate their classroom curriculum by combining standards-aligned content from Gale In Context student databases with instructional resources and an educator-focused tool set.
This valuable resource provides access to a diverse, curated collection of eBooks that can easily be shared with others and downloaded through Google Classroom and Docs with G Suite for Education integration, email, or bookmarked links. These eBooks will be useful for any staff interested in growing professionally! If you have questions about using text studies and/or if you have suggestions for topics to include in future purchases to the professional library, please contact the Professional Development & Learning Department through email at professional.learning@jefferson.kyschools.us.
More resources are available through the Student Resource tab and the Home Resource above.
Lowe Elementary School
210 Oxfordshire Lane, Louisville, KY 40222