This valuable resource provides access to a diverse, curated collection of eBooks that can easily be shared with others and downloaded through Google Classroom and Docs with G Suite for Education integration, email, or bookmarked links. These eBooks will be useful for any staff interested in growing professionally!
Did you know that class book kits are available from KDLA to be borrowed through your local public library? Youth book discussion kits for grades PreK-12 feature a wide range of literary styles and genres. Each kit contains multiple copies, a discussion guide, an audiobook, 2 Spanish copies and a large print copy when available. You can reserve kits up to a year in advance, and you can order several kits at a time. Normal wear and tear on books is expected so don't let the worry of damaged books keep you from requesting books.
The purpose of the JCPS software approval process is to ensure students are using evidence-based, high-quality resources, and that agreements are in place to protect students, our schools, and the district overall. Approval must be granted before any add-on, app, extension, or other software is accessed or made available for student use.
Iroquois High School
4615 Taylor Blvd., Louisville, KY 40215