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WESTPORT LMC: Hour of Code

Hour of Code Introduction Artist

Draw cool pictures and designs with the Artist!

Poem Art

Poem Art coding game

Illustrate the mood of a poem with code. 

Minecraft: Generation AI

Minecraft Generation AI link

Venture through time to create your AI-powered inventions in the new Minecraft Hour of Code: Generation AI. Use problem solving, creativity, and computational thinking with the principles of Responsible AI. With coding in blocks or Python, Hour of Code allows anyone to learn the basics of coding and how to build a better AI for all.

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Minecraft The Show Must Go On

Watch the video below for an introduction!

Find the show's missing star, unlock hidden gags, and interact with an ensemble cast. Help the Agent overcome stage fright as you solve coding puzzles backstage. Watch your coding skills shine in an epic final performance!

Inside Out 2: The Joy of Bubble Popping

Inside Out 2 the joy of bubble poppping

Create a bubble popping game featuring the stars of Disney and Pixar's Inside Out 2!

Code.Org Music Lab Jam Session

Make music and learn to code with Music Lab: Jam Session! Students remix tracks from artists while mastering coding basics.

Code Farm: Plant a Garden

Code Farm How to Plant Game

Program a robot to plant a garden, and learn how robots help farmers in the real world. Building a Galaxy with Code

Star Wars Building a Galaxy with Code

Learn to program droids, and create your own Star Wars game in a galaxy far, far away.

Beaver Achiever No reading needed.

Beaver Achiever Game by Code Monkey

Help a beaver achieve it's goals! Dive into this beaver's natural habitat with a fun-packed coding activity that will jump-start your coding education. Beavers can swim, collect wood, and build dams. This little beaver needs your help. Use the simple blocks of code to complete the dam in the lake so the water remains calm, build a house, and make smoothies!

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Westport Middle School
8100 Westport Rd., Louisville, KY 40222