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Fairdale High School Library: Student Resources

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search


Visit your local branch and use your library card to check out a book that we don't have or check out an e-book that can be delivered right to your device!

Navigating Digital Information

Explora High School

Use this database to find full text articles on your topic. 

Britannica High School

Use this search box to find encyclopedia information on your topic.

Sync Audiobooks

A free audiobook program for teens 13+. Download the Sora app to your favorite listening device. Each week starting April 29th  through August 4th a new complementary pair of audiobooks will available for download through the Sora app. Titles, once downloaded, are yours to keep!

Photos For Class

Citation Makers

EasyBib: the bibliography maker.

ABDO eBooks

Take a look at these always available digital books from ABDO! This means that any student can read any of these titles anytime. No waiting times ever. 


Fairdale High School
1001 Fairdale Rd., Louisville, KY 40111