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Bowen Elementary Library: Welcome

The Best School on Earth
Welcome to the Bowen Library LibGuides. Helpful resources are just a click away!

LibraryWorld Online Catalog OPAC

Library World online catalog logo

Click here to search in our library catalog for a book you want to read or a topic you want to research!

Library World online catalog for Kids logo

LibraryWorld OPAC

Click here to search in our Bowen library catalog for a book you want to read or a topic you want to research!


Today on

Welcome to our library!

primary students reading

Bowen readers reading!

Using chromebooks
primary students reading on stools

Bowen students love reading

Featured Books

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Profile Photo
Laura Greer
Bowen Elementary
1601 Roosevelt Ave.
Louisville, KY 40242
(502) 485-8213


Gale databases curated for our school! InfoBits covers a broad range of topics and includes images, articles from encyclopedias, magazines, and the news.  National Geographic Kids includes topics on science, nature and space with videos and articles

Backpack of Success Skills

Click here to log-in to your backpack!


Visit your local branch and use your library card to check out a book that we don't have or check out an e-book that can be delivered right to your device!


Search all of the KYVL databases or choose an elementary source to find information for your topic. 


Bowen Elementary School
1601 Roosevelt Ave., Louisville, KY 40242