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JCPS Digital Archives: Meeting Minutes Search

Testing application for history resource

Search Board Meeting Minutes

Use this tool to search for actions and activities of the Jefferson County Board of Education and the City of Louisville Board of Education as recorded in their respective meeting minutes. Minutes from the following dates are available:

Jefferson County Board of Education (Pre-Merger): September 5, 1908 through March 31, 1975

Louisville City Board of Education: July 6, 1937 through March 31, 1975

Jefferson County Board of Education (Merged): April 7, 1975 through March 28, 2005


How to use this tool:

Enter the subject you want to find in the Search Board Action/Activity text box. Please use all lowercase letters (for example, atherton or bids).

If desired, select a date range. To do this, you must select a date (for example, January 1, 1940) or a range of dates, not only a year.

If desired, limit the results to a specific district by clicking on one of the available buttons. Clicking the button once will limit your results to that district. Clicking it again will remove those limits. You cannot select more than one district at a time.

To clear your search results, click Reset.


Archives and Records Center
Library Media Services
C.B. Young Service Center, Bldg. 6
3001 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209