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Resources to Meet Standards: Introduction

Purpose of the Guide

 This LibGuide highlights a wide selection of outstanding books that address elements included in the Kentucky Academic Standards and reflect a variety of subjects, style and format. While the Standards emphasize informational texts, all types of texts, including poetry and fiction have been included in this resource. These titles may spur the use of new books and new ideas.

This dynamic online portal is organized for easy searching by grade level; however, many of the books will have appeal to, and can be used with, students in a range of grades. In addition to a description of each resource and how it supports a standard(s), a link to your school library’s catalog makes it easy to check availability.

You may begin your search using the grade level tab or you may make use of the Search box. A “Suggestions” feature is included and you are encouraged to provide feedback and resources for inclusion in future revisions.


  1. Materials support Kentucky Academic Standards
  2. Materials meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.
  3. Materials are appropriate for the subject area and for the developmental stage of students for whom the materials are selected.
  4. Materials have aesthetic, academic, literary, and/or social value.
  5. Materials exhibit competent authorship for the subject treated.
  6. Materials are of acceptable technical quality and suitable physical format or able to be accessed via the JCPS computer network.
  7. Materials foster respect for all people and represent realistically our pluralistic society.
  8. Materials are designed to help students gain an awareness and understanding of the contributions made to our civilization by all persons, including women and minority and ethnic groups.
  9. Materials clarify objectively the multiple historical and contemporary forces with their economic, political and religious dimensions which have operated to the disadvantage or advantage of all persons, including women, and minority and ethnic groups.
  10. Materials concerned with racial, religious, sexual or ethnic differences are free from stereotype, caricature, and other characteristics likely to misrepresent, offend or defame particular segments of the population.
  11. Materials concerning religion are free from intention to indoctrinate beliefs of any one faith, or to belittle any other.
  12. Materials are designed to motivate students and staff to examine their own attitudes and behaviors and to comprehend their own duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges as participating citizens in a pluralistic, non-sexist society.
  13. Materials treating controversial issues were selected on the basis of their ability to provide students a balanced perspective concerning current events, education, government, history, politics, or any other phase of life.


Library Media Services
C.B. Young Service Center, Bldg. 6
3001 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209